8-mile course: Out'n'back on beautiful scenic C&O Canal Towpath
From Fletcher's Cove, east to Key Bridge (Milestone 1), west to Lock 5 (Milestone 5), and back to Fletcher's Cove - Exactly 8 miles
1-mile course: From Fletcher's Cove to Capital Crescent Trail overpass and back
Race preceded by Chanukkah menorah lighting
Awards are SHF winter hats (can be used as yarmulkes), insulated lunch boxes, pocketknives - your choice
Event details and schedule
8:30 AM -- Pre-race coffee clatsch with genuine Ethiopian Falasha coffee and
on-site packet pick-up at Fletcher's Cove, 4940 Canal Road NW, Washington DC
9:45 AM -- Chanukkah candle-lighting
9:50 AM -- National Anthem
10:00 AM -- 8-Mile Race begins
10:05 AM -- 1-Mile Run/Walk begins
10:40 AM -- Chanukkah latke picnic
11:10 AM -- Awards for 1-mile Run/Walk -- top M/F and 8-Mile Race -- top 3 M/F in 10-year age groups